Monsters University (2013) – 3/5
Monsters University (2013) via IMDb. Not nearly as good as the first one and, I feel, there are serious plot holes. Some funny …
Monsters University (2013) via IMDb. Not nearly as good as the first one and, I feel, there are serious plot holes. Some funny …
Samson had a lot of issues. Mostly self-discipline: he wanted whatever he saw and he was never told he can’t …
The Croods (2013) via The Croods (2013). No real depth, but not terrible.
Wow, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to hear of nice, sweet, kind things happening. Batkid! – Miles’ wish to be Batkid Make-a-Wish details On November …
I may take a break from posting about my devotional time. I’ll keep reading and commenting as I have been (see here), …
1-4 Journey Reviewed 5 10 Commandments Repeated, Moses as Mediator 6 Obey and Prosper 7 Warnings, Promises 8-10 More Review, Tablets Rewritten …
“Now Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom…” Moses dies and Joshua steps in. It’s a great …
V 32: 47 “For it not an idle word for you; indeed it is your life.” God’s Word is life. It is …
Chapter 28 lists out some great blessings for the people if they obey – basically, everything will be great. But if they …
Chapter 30 has a lot of “God will…” statements: restore you, gather you, bring you, prosper you, circumcise your heart, inflict (on …
Jimmy was always the best with buttoning. #bellies
Be honest w/ people you work with “so that he will no cry against you to the Lord and it become sin …
Where’s Dolly now!?!? #knewwhentofold’em
When you see your enemies (think of horses, chariots, etc.) “…and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; …
Guys cookout day. #tiedyevest
“…he shall write for himself a copy of this law…and he shall read it all the days of his life…” So the …
When I post to my blog, a lot of the time I use the same settings. So if I can just have …
Long day, but we were excited. #champions
15:4 “…there will be no poor among you…” It’s not a promise, but something to obey. Don’t take advantage of the poor. …
We just heard a joke – that’s why we’re all laughing/smiling.
Maybe the ONE pic he ever took w/o that flute.
“But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has counseled rebellion against the Lord…” In verse 3 it says …
Which one was I?
“Thus you are to know in your heart that the Lord your God was disciplining you just as a man disciplines his son.” NASB …
Fun times… guys just being guys…
Rocket Science (2007) via Rocket Science (2007). Apparently I saw this in 2008 but I didn’t recall but a couple things from …
Today I read Deut 5-7 – so much content… must resist writing a ton… focus on one thought… ok. Deut 7:22 “The Lord your …
I wish I could still fit into those overalls.
Guys being guys… and tilting heads. #guything
“Has any people heard the voice of God speaking from the midst of the fire, as you have heard it, and survived?” …