3 Crazy Things That are Hard to Believe
Three recent things that are powerful and, in a sense, have a lot in common… Icarus 1984 Bad Blood Icarus …
Three recent things that are powerful and, in a sense, have a lot in common… Icarus 1984 Bad Blood Icarus …
Best Home Workout for Men Over 40 Guest post by Ivii Clement from nutritioninspector.com: It is stereotypical to believe that being …
This Summer, as we considered how this Fall would go homeschooling, I decided how my schedule would look for the most …
I wanted to make a pegboard like Tony Horton and American Ninja Warriors use. I’m cheap so I wanted it DIY. I’m …
For my second human lab experiment, I decided to max-out on push-ups everyday for a month. However, I missed several days so …
I’ve been making protein shakes in various forms for years. I used a bullet-type blender for most of that but now have …
I decided to do some human lab experiments this year and started with drinking a gallon of water every day for a …
I didn’t buy adjustable dumbbells when I did P90X and I still regret it. Now I have a mix-match set of dumbbells without …
My intention is to do human lab experiments this year. Ideally 1 per month that lasts a month long. My first one is …
When I decided to get in shape, that was one thing. Then I wanted to get in really great shape, was it …
What are the best essential oils? I’m a bit of a skeptic – not so much that they work, but in the …
The best shoes for spartan race need to be light, drain water well, have great traction and help prevent blisters without wearing …
I wanted to know about the Pioneer Woman knife. I’ve purchased a few nice knives for my wife to use including a …
This calorie app, How much to run?, lets you search for food and, based on the calories, how much you’d have to …
Pull 300 reps Pull ups – lower 10, ro 10 Curls 25 lbs Shrugs 35 lbs Bo rows 20 lbs Shoulder flys …
Legs 300 reps (20 reps each) Squats 25 lbs (2) Step forward lunges left Right Wide squats Side lunges left Right Calf …
Ab workout: Decline crunches 15 lbsOb and leftRightBar: knee lifts V upsDecline crunches Ob lifts 25 lbs leftRight Bar: leg raisesDecline crunches 10 lbsBicycles 40Bar: …
I recently posted about my new workout intentions. I think I might vary it a bit and combine some muscle groups. I’d …
20 reps each in about 30 mins: squats w 60 lbsFront step lunges leftRightSquats w 30 lbsSide lunges leftRightJumpsLunges leftRightSquats 10 lbsCalf …
So I’m rethinking my workout a bit. In CO last month, I hiked the mountain 16 or 17 times (pretty much every …
My 8th workout w/ Project Kratos was good. I felt like I pushed myself hard, did more than before and was pretty …
I just finished my 1-week shake diet challenge (inspired by Soylent but with real food-based shakes that taste great) and it went …
I’ve been reading more about Soylent and people experimenting living on it for a week (or more). I’ve thought about doing something …
Good workout today – I continue to do better on the form. I may be seeing some improvement, but it’s hard to …
This weekend wasn’t that great. Well, it was a good workout, but I felt like I struggled a bit more making the …
This workout probably felt the best (most productive). I really nailed the Inverted Row (alternate) and felt it the next day (this …
I went ahead and did my Kratos day 4 workout today. I let 6 days pass btwn my previous two workouts hoping …
I did the third workout yesterday. It went well – felt good and was hard to do. I’m working more on the …
I’d say if you’re looking to just stay alive Soylent might be your thing. UPDATE: I used my shake recipe for a 1-week experiment. …
I did my second Kratos workout yesterday (first workout). It was tough – I felt I did a bit better w/ the …