3 Key Parts to The Tipping Point (book) by Malcolm Gladwell
After “David and Goliath” I wanted to read more Malcolm Gladwell books and quickly read “The Tipping Point.” The Tipping Point is a …
After “David and Goliath” I wanted to read more Malcolm Gladwell books and quickly read “The Tipping Point.” The Tipping Point is a …
I found Donald Miller via Bob Goff and enjoy his writing. His new book, “Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Finding True …
I read “Blue Like Jazz” following “Storyline 2.0” by Donald Miller as I like how the communicates. They made a movie about it …
I recently read “Love Does” by Bob Goff (review) and he mentions Don Miller several times in his book. I looked up …
I saw a quote from “Love Does” by Bob Goff on a friend’s feed and was convinced I should read it. I …