Chapter Topics: Leviticus
1 Burnt Offerings 2 Grain Offerings 3 Peach Offerings 4 Sin Offerings 5-6 Guilt Offerings 7 Priests Part of Offerings 8 Consecration …
1 Burnt Offerings 2 Grain Offerings 3 Peach Offerings 4 Sin Offerings 5-6 Guilt Offerings 7 Priests Part of Offerings 8 Consecration …
Chapter 26 tells about how if the people obey, God will bless and provide for them. They will have plenty, be safe …
Battlefield Earth (2000) via Battlefield Earth (2000) – 0/5. I enjoy “bad” movies, but not like this. Wow, this was soooooo bad. …
In chapter 24 it talks about the lamp and bread and then a story about a guy who blasphemed “the Name” and …
Chapter 23 talks about the feasts and festivals throughout the year for the Israelites. Three in the Spring and three in the …
World War Z (2013) via World War Z (2013). Intense chase scenes… that’s mostly it. I read the book and this is …
Chapters 19-21 deal w/ various sins and punishments. Largely it’s all about “be holy for I am holy.” Also, don’t be like …
Not the movie. Didn’t people at one point and “8 hour day” that included lunch? My first professional job (at IBM) had …
In chapter 16, we see the Day of Atonement – an annual sacrifice for the people. One goat dies for sins and …
Zoomquilt I’m not really sure what to say. Watch for a while. Relax… maybe?
Chapter 14 is about cleansing for a leper – so detailed and thorough. If He takes it seriously, so sd we. Particularly …
This Is 40 (2012) via This Is 40 (2012). Well written and acted. I hate to say it, but it’s painfully close …
Chapter 11 started the section on ‘unclean’ rules. In 12 we see that giving birth makes someone unclean and they even have …
Apple – iPhone 5s – Tips and Tricks. Many people have been confused by the changes in iOS 7. Apple has published …
Gravity (2013) via Gravity (2013). Space is basically the vehicle for this intense story of isolation, desperation and letting go. Gravity is …
Almost as soon as the sacrifices were started with Aaron, his sons offer “strange fire” and die. You’d think they’d be …
This Is the End (2013) via This Is the End (2013). Funny and witty and mostly what you’d expect from this cast. If …
God provides for the priests thru the offerings. They don’t have jobs or inheritance (to come later), so they rely on the …
Some of the offerings included some for the priests to eat. This helped provide for them. But in other cases, it was …
Life of Pi (2012) via Life of Pi (2012) I felt this movie dragged on a bit. A lot of it was …
I have mixed thoughts on RockSmith so far. I think partially b/c when I see a fault in it I allow myself …
We saw in Exodus how God designed the tabernacle, materials and priests’ garments. The form of how we approach Him. Now we …
Bottom Line: I use DropBox for files I want to be able to access quickly and Amazon S3 Bucket (set for Glacier) …
1 Israel in Egypt 2 Moses Birth to Midian 3 Burning Bush 4 Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh 5 Pharaoh harsh …
In the Old Testament, the way to approach God was detailed and complex. And it had to be right! So the instructions …
The Great Gatsby (2013) via The Great Gatsby (2013). I’m not a huge fan of this story – I read it when …
God provides the design and equips the people, but where do the materials come from? The people. But it’s voluntary and He …
In 31:1-6 God describes (even some by name) the people He wants to work on the tabernacle and materials. He even enables …
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013) via Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013) I really liked this as …
God continues to describe the materials of the tabernacle and priests. How the priests are to be consecrated, the design of the …