Neither Jew Nor Gentile – Galatians 3 (NIV)

Neither Jew Nor Gentile – Galatians 3 (NIV)

Galatians 1

* Another Gospel

* Paul’s Past

Galatians 2

* Jerusalem Approved

* Paul Rebukes Peter

* Dead to Self, Alive in Christ

Paul leads to a logical question that goes along these lines: You were condemned under the Law in your flesh and attempts to please God through works but then you heard the gospel and believed through faith in your salvation of mercy and grace and received the Holy Spirit. Given that, why would you then think that going back to works of the Law is the way forward?

The Law is clear that anyone who doesn’t fulfill it completely is completely condemned. On the contrary, the righteous will live by faith as Abraham was declared righteous because he believed. Even Christ was condemned by the Law that states “cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”

Abraham was declared righteous through faith – the Law coming 430 years later doesn’t negate God’s promise.

Before the coming of faith, the Law was a guardian and guide to us to see our need and God’s perfection. Now that faith is here, we no longer need a guardian.

All who live by faith are children of God and heirs with Christ. As children, we are all equal: there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female.

Galatians 3

* Perfected by Law?

* Righteous by Faith

* Neither Jew nor Gentile