Measure of Life – Galatians (NIV)
Measure of Life – Galatians (NIV)
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
Apparently the Galatians were convinced, to some degree, to try to follow the Law. But the two don’t mix. They are mutually exclusive. The only way a life lived can be righteous is by complete adherence to the Law. If you follow the Law it has to be absolute.
I think logic would follow for that person that they’d say "I’m not trying to secure my salvation by doing these things but aren’t they good things to do? They were good back then. God wanted obedience and He promised blessings. They must be good." I see that point and for moral Law (e.g., do not murder) it’s true.
But other Laws like circumcision – that’s ceremonial type laws that show your adherence to the law. In those cases, it’s like a person is adding to their righteousness that God has given them. First off, you can’t be "more perfect." And second of all, it’s very arrogant to think that while God can make you perfect, you yourself can improve on that on your own.
Of course, the problem is, if you trust in your own efforts to be perfected by the Law, you don’t also get Christ’s righteousness.
And if you recognize your righteousness in Christ and it’s nothing you’ve done or do, the logical temptation is to say you can do anything you want and still be perfect. Which, I believe, is true. We’ve done it. Jesus said if we look with lust and hate we’ve committed adultery and murder. But we’re still righteous in Him.
The difference is we shouldn’t do those things, like above, because they are still good. But not to add to our righteousness but to be like our Father and glorify Him (not us). The Spirit will lead us in avoiding living for/in the flesh and produce the fruit of the Spirit.
In that we can live for God’s glory in relation to Him. And in relation to others we can serve as He would and wills: restore them from sin in humility and bearing one another’s burdens.
We often think in immaturity that someone forgiven for heinous sin has "gotten away with it." That death-bed confessions allow people to "live it up" and sneak in at the end. First off, you must know God sees all things and is pretty smart. He will not be mocked or taken advantage of. "A man reaps what he sows." Don’t even worry about that. Leave it to God. Second, a life lived for God, it turns out, is a greater honor, joy and privilege than any other life.
As one gets older, it’s easier to see (and believe) these types of things. The bully is the most scared. At some point you can’t remember how it ever seemed another way. It’s more and more blatant and pitiful. Similarly, those trying to boast in their own efforts do it for the praise of other (shallow) humans. It just takes a while to put away the desire to be honored by other fallen humans.
Live in peace and humility for God alone. Stick close to Him in all ways: mind and heart. Build your affections for Him and His joys. Desire the fruit of the Spirit and pray He produces them through you. Measure your life by the joy you find in Him.