Freedom for Free – Galatians 4 (NIV)

Freedom for Free – Galatians 4 (NIV)

Galatians 1

* Another Gospel

* Paul’s Past

Galatians 2

* Jerusalem Approved

* Paul Rebukes Peter

* Dead to Self, Alive in Christ

Galatians 3
* Perfected by Law?
* Righteous by Faith
* Neither Jew nor Gentile

Galatians 4

* Slave to Heir

* Do not return

* Ishmael and Isaac

Continuing the thought of our freedom, Paul states it plainly: it is for freedom that Christ set us free! If you are free, you do not have restrictions. If you choose restrictions, you are not free.

Christ bought our freedom. We can accept it or reject it and attempt to live a perfect life (which we’ve already failed at). If we choose to try to earn our freedom, Christ’s payment is rejected and meaningless to us.

It doesn’t make right wrong and wrong right. Wrong is still wrong but we no longer point to ourselves as payment for the wrong.

We can now live lives glorifying God in freedom. We now can live with the Holy Spirit guiding us. As we are living in the Holy Spirit, we avoid the flesh and sinful living. Living that separates us from the fellowship of God – but not His love and grace.

Now we can live according to the Spirit and produce the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5

* Free for Freedom

* Law or Christ

* Fruit of the Spirit