Fall Saturday in Texas – Yardwork, Lemonade Stand

We had a fairly classic or cliche Saturday today: football, shopping, lemonade stand, yardwork and relaxing.

Fall Saturday

It started with some flag football for our oldest son…

Then we went Halloween costume shopping (no pic) and saw some “Texas” parking…

fall saturday - parking

That drives me crazy.

On the way home, I stopped by a lemonade stand. I know when my kids have done this type of thing, I appreciate it when anyone stops. You should always stop at a lemonade stand – I have a feeling the owner will remember and appreciate it for life. As a parent, I would too.

It was time for yard work. Our neighbor has been gone a while and the sprinkler runs pretty often. For that part of the yard, it should be called swampwork.

fall saturday - swamp

I finished up my yardwork and went to inspect my wife’s work and her choice of tool rack…

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Everyone has their own way of relaxing…

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