Either Or – Galatians (NIV)

Either Or – Galatians (NIV)

Galatians 1

* Another Gospel

* Paul’s Past

Galatians 2

* Jerusalem Approved

* Paul Rebukes Peter

* Dead to Self, Alive in Christ

Galatians 3
* Perfected by Law?
* Righteous by Faith
* Neither Jew nor Gentile

Galatians 4

* Slave to Heir

* Do Not Return

* Ishmael and Isaac

Galatians 5

* Free for Freedom

* Law or Christ

* Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 6

It feels like a fairly abrupt change of subject: fruit of the spirit to brothers in sin. More specifically the last verse of chapter 5 was "Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." Chapter 6 may be less of a change of subject and more of an expansion or continuation of that thought: living in the Spirit.

We should not provoke one another but restore the person gently. And helping each other with burdens and gifts. In particular, one who receives instruction in the word should share with the one who gives instruction (i.e., support those in ministry).

The next paragraph is something I need to hear – unfortunately my flesh is clogging my ears and I have a hard time hearing it. It’s almost hidden from me but the Spirit is strong!

I think basically it’s saying "life seems unfair" but God is no fool. We may not see it but those who seem to be "getting away with it" will reap what they sow. And he encourages us not to "become weary in doing good." Why? Because we will become weary! Keep going even when it’s hard.

It’s a little better than saying "Life’s not fair, get over it" but I’ll take it! At least it’s an acknowledgement that life seems unfair. We have to remember that life is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t mistake God’s patience with absence or disconcern.

Paul then returns back to what seems to be the core issue: returning to the Law. There apparently were some that wanted the Galatians to be circumcised. That would be a hard, foundational practice of Judaism. But it’s part of the Law: placing the seal of God’s promise on your body. However, we now have the seal of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is better in all ways but not visible and that’s a hard thing for humans. It’s meaningless to be circumcised (or not) unless you’re doing it to follow the Law. Then, bam, you’re condemned. Once you choose to earn your salvation by the Law, you’re done. You can’t do it. You haven’t done it. It’s over. And you can’t "make up the difference" with Christ. He either IS your salvation or you are. Paul knows the weight of this either-or situation.

Galatians 6

* Bear One Another’s Burdens

* God Will Not Be Mocked

* Circumcision or Holy Spirit