Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2014 – 3.5/5

I thought this was “pretty good.” The action and tension was good, but the writing was pretty poor.

When Oldman and Clarke had their hallway discussion after the bullhorn session, it was too much to ignore – it was summary and catching-the-viewer-up-to-speed at it’s most blatant.

Also, if I were them right then I’d be more like “CAN YOU BELIEVE THOSE APES JUST TALKED!!!”

But the action was pretty good and the cinematography was cool so it was fairly enjoyable.

However, it’s tough to buy that the apes would figure out guns and such enough to battle so well. It wd have been better if they had written it in a way that gave the apes the advantage like battling in the woods or something.

In the wake of a disaster that changed the world, the growing and genetically evolving apes find themselves at a critical point with the human race.


via Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2014 – IMDb.

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