Alive in Christ – Galatians 2 (NIV)

Alive in Christ – Galatians 2 (NIV)

Review up to now:

Galatians 1
* Another Gospel
* Paul’s Past

Paul continues his review of his history. After 14 years he went to Jerusalem with Barnabas and Titus. Titus wasn’t compelled to be circumcised despite some (false) believers wanting to return to the law. This is a point about how in chapter 1 the Galatians were believing "another gospel" – possibly returning to some combination of Law and grace.

Those in Jerusalem approved of Paul’s message and ministry to the Gentiles (as Peter’s to the circumcised).

Paul rebuked Peter in Antioch when he, having previously fellowshipped (eaten) with Gentiles, stopped when men from Jerusalem (James) came. Peter feared the group. Sounds like old habits die hard.

His confronting Peter is similar to the point he’s making with the Galatians: you were saved from the Law by grace so why are you returning to the Law to progress?

We are crucified with Christ – our sin, ourselves die. We have nothing to give and have no strength, skills nor abilities. We are separated from God due to sin. We are dead. Christ lives. Life only comes from and through Him. Our "living" comes from Him. He in us lives. We live only due to the life in Him.

This life comes to us by faith in His payment of our sin. Faith.

Galatians 1
* Another Gospel
* Paul’s Past
Galatians 2

* Jerusalem Approved
* Paul Rebukes Peter
* Dead to Self, Alive in Christ

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