Worthy Conduct – Philippians 1 (NIV)
Worthy Conduct – Philippians 1 (NIV)
Paul has an internal debate of what would be better: to die and be with Christ or to stay and help others. He decides it’s best for him to stay to help others. I’m not sure it was up to him or just that he is in favor of that or what. Maybe it’s just that he believes that’s what will happen so he can move forward with it.
Verses 27-30
He encourages the Philippians that, either way, they conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel. He somewhat describes the results if they are doing that:
* Stand firm in one Spirit
* Strive together as one for the faith
* Not frightened in any way by opposition
It seems the last one is a sign to the opposition that God will destroy them and save the believer. Whoa!
And the next step of logic is confusing to me. It seems that based on the fact that they are struggling in the same way they had seen Paul struggle (unclear how that was – illness?), that they will experience some similar things as Paul. Actually, I think this last part (their struggle similar to his including suffering for Him), convinces Paul of their genuine faith and God’s plan for them: they will stand firm, strive together and not be frightened by the opposition.
And that it’s all a sign that they will be saved by God and the opposition destroyed by Him.
* Paul’s Prayer
* All Good
* Worthy Conduct