Wall Street (1987) – 4/5

Wall Street (1987)

Next: “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (1989)

Great movie. Great acting. It’s a powerful morality tale about how far someone will go in their naive, “innocence” mixed w/ greed and money-lust.

Making friends w/ a snake just means your friend is a snake.

UPDATE: 6.24.08
I keep thinking about this movie – so great. I love how Buddy takes on Gordon’s mannerisms and phrases (“Talk at ya, babe.”, “That’s a dog w/ fleas.”, etc.). And I think there’s a lot of depth to a lot of scenes like when he and Darien make “the dinner” and he says something like “It’s perfect. Let’s not eat it. Let’s just look at it.” He’s so into the idea of everything. He wants to be “successful” and be “in that world” so bad that when he gets a moment there, he doesn’t want to leave… and face himself.

Haiku Summary:
Local boy makes good
w/ inside info from dad.
Double cross. Greed good?

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