Theme and Thoughts – Philippians (NIV)

Theme and Thoughts – Philippians (NIV)

Overall theme and thoughts on Philippians…

For a theme, I’d say something like "Godly Living and Mindset"

For thoughts…

Paul prays the Philippians will know God more and grow in love from Him. He encourages them to conduct themselves in a worthy manner in humility and unity. He reports on Timothy and Epaphroditus and their service and plans. Despite Paul’s impressive past as a Jew, he considers that nothing compared to knowing Christ. He hopes the Philippians will join him in laying aside the world’s values and false riches to pursue true value in Christ. In applying these things, he tells them to rejoice at all times, live gentle lives anxious for nothing and dwell on the good things from God. In this he’s able to endure all things with God. He recognizes and encourages their generosity for God’s people.

Philippians 1

* Paul’s Prayer

* All Good

* Worthy Conduct

Philippians 2

* Humble like Christ for Others

* Anger Hurts Unity

* Paul’s Two Friends

Philippians 3

* Garbage and Suffering

* Press On

* Heaven’s Citizen’s Values

Philippians 4

* Rejoice, Gentle, Dwell

* Content in all Circumstances

* Generous for His Glory