Book Summary – Philippians (NIV)

Book Summary – Philippians (NIV)

Philippians 1

* Paul’s Prayer

* All Good

* Worthy Conduct

Paul prays the Philippines’ "love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight" so that they can discern what is best, may be pure and blameless in Christ and filled with the fruit of righteousness from Jesus Christ. He assures them that what has happened has resulted in good in the advancement of the gospel. Regardless of motives, he rejoices. And whether he lives (their benefit) or dies (be with Christ), it is all good. Either way, he wants them to live in worthy conduct as a sign to him and others of their unity in the Spirit.

Philippians 2

* Humble like Christ for Others

* Anger Hurts Unity

* Paul’s Two Friends

He encourages the Philippians to be united with Christ. Instead of living in selfish ambition or vain conceit, he hopes they look to the interest of others over their own. That they be humble like Christ for others. He wants them to live without grumbling or complaining. These are signs of anger and selfishness. Paul knows that anger hurts unity. Then there is information about Paul’s two friends: Timothy and Epaphroditus. He hopes to send Timothy soon. And is sending Epaphroditus now.

Philippians 3

* Garbage and Suffering

* Press On

* Heaven’s Citizen’s Values

Paul was a Jew of Jews and did more "for God" than any of his peers. But all of that he counts as worthless compared to living and suffering for Christ. There’s no comparison between that past garbage and suffering. Nothing in the past matters, he wants to press on toward living for Christ. Living for earthly values is a testimony against someone stating their values are not God’s values. We are to value the fruit of the spirit as Heaven’s citizens’ values.

Philippians 4

* Rejoice, Gentle, Dwell

* Content in all Circumstances

* Generous for His Glory

Paul encourages them to always rejoice, be gentle and dwell on good things. Paul has learned to live and be content in all circumstances and can continue to do so in the power of Christ. He encourages the Philippians, not for Paul’s benefits, to be generous for His glory. He’ll be fine but their gifts are a pleasing sacrifice to God.