Paul’s Two Friends – Philippians 2 (NIV)

Paul’s Two Friends – Philippians 2 (NIV)

Verses 19-30

Paul spends a bit of time talking about Timothy and Epaphroditus.

I love the praise he gives Timothy – that he will show genuine concern for their welfare. The older I get the more I value that type of thing: genuine concern. People who actually care. The ones that say they’ll be praying for you and you know they will.

There’s not too much about Epaphroditus. He’s considered, by Paul, to be a brother, co-worker, fellow soldier and messenger. He also seems to have genuine concern for the Philippines.

One thing that stood out to me this time I read this passage was about sending Epaphroditus back to them. He was distressed for his people and Paul wants to send him back so they all feel better. But also that he "may have less anxiety." What? I don’t think of Paul as being anxious. It comforts me a bit that he’s not beating himself up about a lack of faith or something.

I think it’s pretty cool that Pauls fills in the Phillippians about his two friends.

Philippians 1

* Paul’s Prayer

* All Good

* Worthy Conduct

Philippians 2

* Humble like Christ for Others

* Anger Hurts Unity

* Timothy and Epaphroditus