Loveometer™ – Ephesians 1:22-23 (NIV)

Loveometer™ – Ephesians 1:22-23 (NIV)

22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Wrapping up Paul’s opening chapter prayer we see the final ways God displays the power we have access to. God the creator of the universe put Christ above all things in creation which will be fully fulfilled when He returns. The creation Adam lost dominion over will be regained.

He also appointed Him to be the head of the church. This is now and going forward. His body, the church, is led, driven and filled with His blessings.

This power, shown in the past in raising Christ from the dead, which is shown now in the church and will be shown when He is fully ruling over all things in the future, is the power we have access to directly in relationship with the Father. Past, present and future on a universal scale.

But also personal. Paul prayed the readers would know the hope which He called them (past), the power available to us as His children (present) and His inheritance still to come at the end (future). We are surrounded in time under God’s loving control. Paul prays we are more than aware of it – but that we know it.

Paul doesn’t send a text like "Praying 4u" or 🙏. This guy goes into some serious theology with a progression of thought, clarifications, details, 3-point breakdown of past-present-future aspects. He’s thorough.

But in all these things he’s praying that they "know" God. The Greek word for "know" in this case isn’t just a "be familiar with" or even "factual knowledge" but an intimate knowing. He prays that the reader be close to God. And in that, know where we were, where we’re going and what life with God now. Particularly the power we have access to.

I always wonder how this power is meant to be used. The power that raised Christ from the dead! I have access to that? Ok, what would be an example of using that power? The power that put Christ in dominion over all creation and the church – what do I do with that?

My brain tries to think of things along those lines. Raise a pet from the dead? I don’t think that’s it. To be forgiven of sin? That’s powerful but that was done once, in the past and for all time. I think Paul would make that point differently.

The things listed seem to say to me "God can do these things which are beyond anything possible so God can do anything." I have "access" to that power (not that I have that power) – "incomparably great power for us who believe."

So maybe the word "access" (my word) isn’t right. It’s power "for us" – it’s that He has all this power, He loves us, He’s for us, He’ll use that power in our lives for good. I believe that. Lord, help my unbelief.

Help me trust that You are for me even when I can’t understand. Help me accept that what You do is best for me even when I think something else is better. Help me recognize that You are much more interested in my heart than anything else about me.

I always want to measure spiritual things with the world’s measurements. There’s no Loveometer™ that I know of. How do I know if I’m "doing better" or growing or closer to you than last year? It’s not quantifiable and numbers are usually only helpful as an offset or indication of something.

I’m with Paul here – I want to know these things: I want the Spirit of wisdom and understanding to allow me to know You more and more and more.