Let Go – Philippians 2 (NIV)
Let Go – Philippians (NIV)
Philippians 2: 1-13
Paul practically pleads with the Philippians to be united. Pleads maybe not so much from their lack of unity but more due to the importance of it. He seems to base this on one “do” and one “don’t”:
Do be like minded and in the same love and spirit of mind and value others more than self.
Do not be selfish or conceited.
As with so many encouragements like this, we need to be told because of our tendencies. Contrary to our tendencies is how Christ lived. He is the example.
As our example, we can see this love in Christ. What did He do for others? He laid aside His rights and didn’t use His position and status for simply His own advantage. Despite being God Himself, He didn’t throw concerns for us aside saying “But I’m God!”
He lowered Himself even lower than we are. He obeyed beyond our own obedience. Because of this, God exalted Him above all else.
If Christ is our example, we should live similarly. Humble ourselves and obey even where it is not required but for the good of others. That’s a tough ask for humans. Even with the hope of a reward… which is a bit contrary to the whole part about humbling.
I find myself wanting to discover motivations that are self-serving. That’s not the point. I’m so human.
I originally was going to stop at verse 11 but read the next verse to see if I could find hope in how to obey. How can I motivate myself simply because it’s good and right?
Verse 13 says “for it is God who works in you” – I don’t have to do it myself! He does it. How does He work in me? “To will and act in order to fulfill His good purpose.” Thank God. If it’s up to me to just determine to obey and decide to humble myself… we’re hopeless. Regardless of intended motivation – if I don’t believe it’s best (for me) it won’t last.
But if my “sanctification” is involved, I’m in. That word hurts me. Sanctification, to me, invokes pain. Chipping away of what’s me… “good” and bad. I want the results but not the process. I want to “be” sanctified (done) but not “become” sanctified (the process).
I have an out! He does it! Similar to things I wrote about Philippians 1:1-11, the route to love, discernment and fruit of righteousness is knowing Him. That’s the start, core and foundation. Living humbly for Him is based on Him doing it – so in a similar sense the path is to let Him. Simple, not easy.
But I feel a bit better about striving to let Him do it than striving to do it myself. My job has a bit more “let go” to it.
* Paul’s Prayer
* All Good
* Worthy Conduct
* Humble like Christ for Others