Generous for His Glory – Philippians 4 (NIV)

Generous for His Glory – Philippians 4 (NIV)

Paul wraps up the chapter and the book thanking the Philippians for their past support and gifts. He values their encouragement and their desire to play a role in God’s plan.

Paul sees their giving as something more spiritual than just financial support. It sounds like Paul is glad the Philippians put their money where their mouth is. It’s one thing to say you believe something but as some say "your wallet is the last thing to get saved." When you start to hand over money in the name of God, you know it’s real.

He encourages them that God will meet all their needs. He’s already stated he’s learned to live in all circumstances. He knows it can be tough or he wouldn’t point it out. He also doesn’t over promise what God will give.

Of course, that’s along the lines of the mindset we should all have. See things like generosity as the Spirit working in someone. Glorify God for that mindset and action to give. Rely on Him to do things like that to provide for our needs. Praise Him when He does.

And also be generous to others. Follow His example and share with others "according to the riches" He’s given us. Again, I think it’s more of a mindset to realize that He will work out His plan. We can play a part and be generous for His glory.

Philippians 1

* Paul’s Prayer

* All Good

* Worthy Conduct

Philippians 2

* Humble like Christ for Others

* Anger Hurts Unity

* Paul’s Two Friends

Philippians 3

* Garbage and Suffering

* Press On

* Heaven’s Citizen’s Values

Philippians 4

* Rejoice, Gentle, Dwell

* Content in all Circumstances

* Generous for His Glory