Ephesians Summary

Ephesians Summary

Ephesians can be broken down in many ways. Below I broke it down into three 3’s. Sadly there are only two 3’s.

The first 3 chapters are about our new life in Christ: We are chosen in Him to go from death to life in His family. This is a mystery from ages past that wasn’t revealed until now that Gentiles could be accepted in God’s family. The intention being that He be glorified through all of us as one body: the Church.

Paul’s prayer for the reader throughout is that they know and experience God more and more.

The second section goes into life in the body of believers. In unity, we should use our gifts for the equipping of all for good words to maturity in faith in the Son. There should be no hint of ungodly living among us. We are to be light: light doesn’t mix with darkness, it helps those looking for the way. We are to serve and to submit to one another based on the relationship and position.

In contrast, to the spiritual world fighting against us, He has given us armor and weapons for protection and defense.

Paul ends as he began: hopes of grace, peace, love and faith in prayer for the reader.

Overall Summary
We are chosen to be saved by God.
Paul’s highest hope is for someone to know God more and more.
Before life in Christ, we were separated from God (dead).
Now we are alive…
together in Him as a family (church)
to use our gifts for equipping the body
to the maturity in the knowledge of the Son.
We should love one another,
encourage one another and
submit to one another and
submit in all applicable relationships.
God’s gifts include protection from evil.
We should pray for ourselves and others at all times.

New Life
Chapter 1: Chosen1. Greeting – Grace and Peace
2. Chosen – Predestined and Pledge
3. Prayer – Know Him Better

Chapter 2: Alive
1. Dead – former state, separated in transgressions
2. Alive – in Christ, saved by grace through faith for good works
3. Family – all one household of God, a temple for His Spirit

Chapter 3: Body
1. Mystery – through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel (v6)
2. Intent – Through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known (v10)
3. Prayer – To grasp how wide, long, high and deep is the love of Christ (v18)

New Body
Chapter 4: Unity
1. Unity – In the Spirit in one God
2. Gifts/Works – From Christ for equipping
3. Maturity – In the knowledge of the Son

Chapter 5: Submit
1. No Hint – Don’t let weeds take root
2. Light – Have a new life and encourage others
3. Submit – Take care of one another in love

Chapter 6: Armor
1. Relationships – Treat authority as the Lord, treat others like fellow believers
2. Armor of God – For security and protection at all times.
3. Pray Always – It moves our hearts and His