Closer (2004) – 1.5/5

Closer (2004)

While I feel I can say this movie was ‘well done’, there’s not much here worth seeing.

The time device they use is interesting and the characters and dialogue are very intense.

It seems most of the characters are bent on being honest w/ each other which ironically gets them in more trouble most of the time.

Very vulgar.


The time device – it seems they mostly only show scenes revolving around the start or end or both of relationships w/ little signs (sometimes comments) about how much time has past.

Did “Alice Ayres” ‘die’ to save someone’s life? Did Jane Jones give up her life to save Dan or someone else?

Her line was great near the end when she was telling Dan she didn’t love him anymore. Something like “I can’t lie to you and I can’t love you anymore.” She cd love him as long as he her lie to him. When he forced the all-important honesty, it was over.

They don’t know what they want, they want what they can’t have, they want what people tell them they want – no committment, no change, nothing learned. We’re animals.

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