Cold Mountain (2003) – 3/5

Cold Mountain (2003)

Well made and lots of good imagery and scenery. I watched some of the commentary and I think that wd be as interesting as the movie, but that’s not quite enough to get me to watch the whole thing. 🙂

I thought the story, especially the first 1/3rd, was over-dramatic and sappy. It was also a bit cliche and over acted. Unfortunately, I also mostly saw the actors as actors playing parts instead of the characters themselves.

The rest of the movie got better, but never really turned the corner for me.

It’s a decent movie, but just didn’t fire on all cylinders.


It was far from a happy ending, but I think it was a good one. Inman came back and b/c he did, he was able to save Ada and Ruby and therefore pretty much everyone else and their children. It was noble and worthwhile, but ultimately, not that great.

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