Remember when I was Led Zepplin
Jimmy was always the best with buttoning. #bellies
Jimmy was always the best with buttoning. #bellies
Where’s Dolly now!?!? #knewwhentofold’em
Guys cookout day. #tiedyevest
Long day, but we were excited. #champions
We just heard a joke – that’s why we’re all laughing/smiling.
Maybe the ONE pic he ever took w/o that flute.
Which one was I?
Fun times… guys just being guys…
I wish I could still fit into those overalls.
Guys being guys… and tilting heads. #guything
Night moves indeed.
This is when we did shows alive.
The called me the “Smiling One”…
We were wearing our “ZZ Tops.” Get it? Well, Frank wasn’t. Diva.
Mr. McDonald was none too keen about my arm on his shoulder. His problem. #yolo