Out of Time (2003/I) – 3/5
Very good suspence w/o being “don’t go in there!” kinda stuff. Intense and fairly crafty. It was a good nail-biter nearly the whole time.
I suspected what was happening pretty early on which was kind of a bummer though it was also cool to see it from that side. There were still a couple surprises, but mostly it was just fun to watch “Matt” get himself deeper and deeper and get in and out of trouble.
I know I probably sdn’t do this, but it’s hard not to… he was still a bad cop. He still sdn’t have done he did for her no matter what.
Not only that, but I guess he really was a bad (poor) cop if he didn’t see it coming somehow. The doctor visit on Saturday, her whole insurance thing: the company wdn’t buy it, it had to be changed in only a couple days, etc.
The ending also was a bummer: he wasn’t going to take the money that he really cd take! and his wife was coming back – why? Although it was nice to see that it wasn’t all hot and passionate “hollywood” love getting them back together – real problems.