Meaning of Life – Ephesians 1:11-12 (NIV)

Meaning of Life – Ephesians 1:11-12 (NIV)

11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.

Time for some Hermeneutics practice! Observations: engage!

“In Him” Who? Christ (v10)
“Having been” – perfect participial phrase, completed before the main action
“Having been predestined” happened before the “chosen in Him”

Plan of Him – This is all according to God’s plan which uses “everything” together (conformity) with the purpose (singular) of His will. Everything works together towards a single goal of His desire.

“in order that” – The above predestination, choosing, plan, HIs will are for a purpose of…
“we” – The purpose being that we…
“who were the first to put our hope in Christ” – The “we” are the early believers. “First” could be tricky: does it mean “early believers”, apostles, believers before Christ’s return…

The Bible Knowledge Commentary points out that being included in Christ (from earlier verses) implies that it’s Jewish believers as “first” of those accepting the Messiah (“To the Jew first and also to the Gentile” Romans 1:16).

Verse 11 starts with “we were also” showing that the “we” is a distinction of some kind and not meaning everyone. Verse 13 says “you also” (Gentiles) again making it sound like “we” is a distinct group somehow.

Determining the “we” here doesn’t seem like the main point. I believe in being as precise as possible when studying the Word but this seems like a parenthetical that doesn’t change the meaning and likely could be applied to all believers. Meanwhile…

“in order that” “we” “might be for the praise of His glory” – the “might” here is part of a translation of a phrase like “in order that” or “so that we should be” along the lines of “The door should be shut before locking it” – it’s not flimsy like “Either way, open or shut then lock it.” No, it’s just a phrasing of it.

We could say it like this as a paraphrase “in order that we are for the praise of His glory.” Which is what all this leads up to…

He predestined us to be chosen and saved in Christ according to His plan for the purposes of His will which everything works together to do which is that we are for the praise of His glory.

And there you have the meaning of life: For the purpose of the praise of His glory. Let’s go.