Keep Dancing – Key Verses – Galatians (NIV)

Keep Dancing – Key Verses – Galatians (NIV)

Key Verses

3:3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?

This verse sounds like a simple, logical question. It’s along the lines of, why, if you started one way, do you think that progress will be made in a completely different way?

Specifically in this case, it’s more like why, if you were wrong about how to start, why do you think you were right that the opposite is how you progress?

It seems so clear and obvious when it’s pointed out but so much of the time that’s not where your mind is. And much of the time the whole thing started with good intentions.

My understanding is that during the "quiet period" between Malachi and Jesus’ birth God was quiet. At least as far as prophets go, He was quiet. His people were so upset from their rebellion they decided to get serious about obedience. They were going to do everything they could to follow the Law completely. They analyzed every aspect of the Law and their lives and did their best to come up with ways to obey.

Over time that led to the focus to be completely on their actions and not their heart. It was all about what they did and not why or for who. Of course, that makes it all about people and not God. Every area of life had rules to keep you in obedience and the rules meant everything. The rules were all that mattered. And how well you followed them was your worth. Whoever knew them and followed them better, was better. That’s how the Pharisees got where they were.

It started with good intentions.

So wanting to live for God is great. A heart and desire for the things of God is wonderful. I guess the trick is thinking about how to get there. I think it begs the question: how were we saved?

We are saved by recognizing who we are in relation to God. Who He is and what He has done for us. Laying down our perceived accomplishments and recognizing our failings. Trusting in His work on the cross for us and work in us to trust in Him.

So how do we proceed along those lines? I think we rely on Him to work in us to desire the things He desires and pray the Spirit moves us towards those things. Maybe we don’t force anything other than attempts to avoid sin: omission and commission.

That’s super tricky. How do you know if you’re doing something out of idolatry of self? When is it good to "force" yourself to do something good versus not because it’s self-worship? I guess in those cases you really have to trust in Him. I think if you approach God in prayer in all things like this, it will likely be pretty clear.

In each and every effort, if we approach it and Him in and with prayer, the effort to right our heart before Him will likely be blessed. Starting there, will likely pay dividends in the whole process. There’s a saying that reminds me of this type of idea:

* Dance with the one who brought you

It’s not always the case that what will take you to the next level is different than what got you here.