Genesis 28:10-ch30 – Jacob Gets Jacobed


platform-9-and-34-735265-m Jacob heads out and is sleeping on a rock when God continues the Abrahamic Covt w/ him.

He then meets Rachel and falls for her (even showing off a bit).

Laban moves him from a family member to an employee and promises him Rachel for 7 years work. Talk about a layaway item!

He does it happily but Laban tricks him! He tricks the trickster and “Behold, it’s Leah!” Jacob basically means “trick” or “deceit” – Laban jacobs Jacob!

He agrees to work another 7 if he gets Rachel and even after that Laban wants him to stay for the blessings.

They agree that Jacob gets the speckled and spotted sheep. And though Laban seems to hide all of them at first, God blesses Jacobs efforts and he winds up w/ more!

In v28:15 God says “I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.” It showed. He’ll care for us too – if only I could rest in that.

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